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Our Creations Inspire Memories I make creative handmade keepsakes designed to become a part of those treasured family memories and stories that are passed down through the family generation to generation. I have been knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, and sewing ever since high school. Mrs. White, my Home Economics teacher, taught me how to sew. When I was a child, I made the Sunday dresses for my mother, three sisters and myself. My sisters would take my turn doing other chores while I made all of the dresses on Saturday, so that we could wear them on Sunday to church. I learned to knit from my cousin Victoria, by using two sharpened pencils, and I learned to crochet from a beginner’s crochet book I bought from a store called TG&Y. Cross Stitching and doll making came later on in my adulthood. When my husband and I were expecting our two daughters it was a very exciting and happy occasion in our lives. Memories to treasure! Making baby clothes and toys for them was heartwarming and gave me great joy. My second daughter had an opportunity to wear what I made for our first daughter, as well as what I made for her. I love making things and seeing them to completion. I love experiencing the joy on people’s faces when they receive handmade gifts to celebrate the special occasions in their lives. Every stitch I make is made from a heart of thankfulness and love. My hope is that when you chose to buy from my shop, you are inspired and deem what you purchase worthy to be passed down as an heirloom to each generation in your family.